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Monday, March 16, 2009

Advantages of Marginal Costing

1. The marginal cost remains constant per unit of output whereas the fixed cost remains
constant in total. Since marginal cost per unit is constant from period to period within a
short span of time, firm decisions on pricing policy can be taken. If fixed cost is included,
the unit cost will change from day to day depending upon the volume of output. This will
make decision making task difficult.2. Overheads are recovered in costing on the basis of pre-determined rates. If fixed
overheads are included on the basis of pre-determined rates, there will be underrecovery
of overheads if production is less or if overheads are more. There will be overrecovery
of overheads if production is more than the budget or actual expenses are less
than the estimate. This creates the problem of treatment of such under or over-recovery
of overheads. Marginal costing avoids such under or over recovery of overheads.
3. Advocates of marginal costing argues that under the marginal costing technique, the
stock of finished goods and work-in-progress are carried on marginal cost basis and the
fixed expenses are written off to profit and loss account as period cost. This shows the
true profit of the period.

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